fire day

We're so lucky to have San Francisco Fire Department Battalion Chief Bryan Rubenstein as one of our parents - he came in for the whole day to talk to the kids about fire and fire safety when living in the city!D7K_2983fire dayEveryone headed outside to greet the firefightersfire day...and then hurried back in to watch how fast they were bringing in their massive dayThe kids had lots of dayfire dayThen the trucks showed dayD7K_3025The firefighters from Station 7 showed us how they would get on the roof in case of a fire in the building.D7K_3033D7K_3038-2fire dayfire dayThe kids got to see the bullet saw that can cut through concrete walls!D7K_3058Some of us got to try on full fire gear while others went to the dayfire dayfire dayfire dayBryan explained the equipment he needs each time there's a call.D7K_3096fire dayAnd Mackenzie got to pull on all the gear, too.D7K_3118On the way to the firehouse, the kids checked out the dayfire dayThe firehouse!fire dayD7K_3148Clementine experimented with the exhaust pipe that sucks exhaust out of the garage when the truck engines start.D7K_3142The fire trucks!D7K_3157fire dayD7K_3177D7K_3190fire dayfire dayfire dayfire dayAll in a day's work. Thanks, firefighters and Bryan!Check out more photos on our Flickr.