lunch and market

We're one of the luckiest schools around - not only because we have great kids, supportive parents, an awesome staff, and an amazing way of doing things, but also because every Wednesday and Friday we get to have community lunch, made by two of the moms and from some of the best food in the city.D7K_1417D7K_1421D7K_1449D7K_1443D7K_1474D7K_1479D7K_1483D7K_1486The Ninja Cats went out into the world and visited San Francisco Friends School for a little acting research: watching a 30-minute performance of Hamlet.IMG_0960IMG_0963While things cooked at the school, the Currency group hosted the first Kid City Market, where the kids used the new currency system that they've been working on for months to buy goods from one another.D7K_1490D7K_1495D7K_1511D7K_1514D7K_1518Community lunch.D7K_1548D7K_1547D7K_1556D7K_1586D7K_1549Dessert.D7K_1591And cleaning up.D7K_1610