
The building cohort of the Ninja Cats' performance group headed out to Half Moon Bay to find eucalyptus supports for the theater that they're building.IMG_0685IMG_0689Eucalyptus grows like weeds in California, so it was no sweat to find a small grove to chop down some lumber.IMG_0698IMG_0702IMG_0713Then they loaded up Gever's truck and headed back to Brightworks.IMG_0717Everyone helped unload!IMG_0720Bike repairs and rides for the Goats.D7K_0637D7K_0640D7K_0644IMG_1590IMG_1591D7K_0649The Flying Fish went to Glen Park Canyon (unfortunately with their camera sitting on the kitchen counter) to check in on the owl babies that they went to find a few weeks ago. Before they'd gone even a quarter mile into the park, they found hummingbird nests, a robin's egg, dragonfly wings, a gopher skull, and nesting house sparrows with their nut hatches. They lay on the ground for ten minutes watching the sparrows fly in and out of a dead tree where they were nesting - a restful moment away from the hustle and bustle of the city.Mackenzie reported that they found the owl's nest, but it was empty. The Fish decided to head up the creek and were thrilled when they came across a group of birders in the process of releasing one of the owl chicks that had been injured in its first attempt to fly. Moss, an avid bird nerd and photographer (his site is here:, explained how he had come across the runt of the nest in the creek with broken tail feathers.  He and his fellow birders took the chick up to Wild Care in Marin where they ran some blood work and mended the feathers. They had just released the chick back into the wild as the Fish came upon them, and they peered through the tree branches to see the check balancing precariously on a branch. The kids could hear the owl parents calling to its baby, and finally the chick flapped awkwardly down to the creek to follow the calls. They were able to see the owl chick up close. Moss shared owl stories and was impressed by the Fish's enthusiasm for birds.