
It's exciting and impossible and terrifying to believe that we only have one more week of school left! The pace has been picking up in a great way, with performances getting ready for show time and rickshaws on their way to being tested, and a little bit of pause for ceremony and reflection.This morning, Mackenzie showed us a video about Caine's Arcade in LA and we talked about the persistence of this kid to make his dreams into reality using scraps and imagination.IMG_1385This led us to Kid City, where we talked about how much this very first Brightworks project meant to us, and how important it is that we see that the deconstruction of Kid City, taking place next week, will really be the resurrection of all the pieces that made up this first draft of an amazing kid-designed space.IMG_1392IMG_1393IMG_1395IMG_1396We imagined together what kinds of projects the pieces of Kid City will become and where we might see the painted plywood and colored 2x4s next.IMG_1403Then Clementine, the youngest of the Brightworks kids and the student who will see the most projects made out of Kid City because she will be one of our students at the school for the longest, ceremonially removed the first screw from Kid City.IMG_1407Hip hip hooray!IMG_1408Then the second Market Day, hosted by the currency group, happened in Kid City after Mark led some discussion on ways to improve the Market Day experience.IMG_1410D7K_1733D7K_1735D7K_1738D7K_1739D7K_1746The rest of the day: bikes and trying to fix the MIG welder and play rehearsals and lunch!D7K_1768D7K_1775IMG_0993D7K_1777IMG_0985Henry made hot lunch for us in lieu of Kristie this Friday. Props!D7K_1788D7K_1791