Importance of Community

Particularly over the past few years, we’ve seen the power of community. From preparing for a storm, to weathering a pandemic, the power of the collective is undeniable. Our ways of living together, communicating, and learning shape social life and our responses to problems such as economic injustice, racism, or climate change. It is our job, as an organization, to create an ecosystem that brings this dynamic to light in the most beautiful way.

For nearly five years I have watched my daughter thrive and bloom. I see her becoming a confident, kind, curious and self-possessed individual. I love that she belongs to a school community that encourages strong-minded, opinionated girls and boys.
— Brightworks parent 

Program components: Our program is designed  to bring students together as a community, within  Brightworks as well as a part of the larger world.  The following staples of a Brightworks experience  are designed to show our students that they have  an important role and place in the community and  the world, and that there are things to learn wherever  they go. 

Circle: The all-school circle happens twice daily, a morning and afternoon moment of community and coming together. Circle is an anchor for the day and  an important cornerstone to be able to see one another and play an active and responsible role sharing experiences and thoughts with each other. Morning circle is a longer gathering where we sing, play games, talk about the arc topic, and make discoveries. The day ends with a brief coming together and review of each band’s day before everyone heads to their afternoon activities. 

Park: A pre-lunch, multi-age, daily experience for all students at the school to get outdoor time. This time fosters social roles and friendships across bands, teamwork, respect for ground rules and game guidelines, gross motor challenges, and physical confidence. Staff-coordinated group activities and observed free play give students time to develop friendships and create their own games. 

Library: Our library space focuses on usability for the student and fostering a love of reading stories and finding information, coupled with the frequent use of the San Francisco Public Library system. Bands meet in the Brightworks library to continue on a group reading project (either read-aloud, individual reading, or discussion of a single book) or work on research skills. Students visit the public library to do further research, check out books, and participate in library programs. 

Community Friday: On Fridays, regular band  curriculum is replaced by an afternoon of community  and togetherness. The students and staff spend Friday  exploring and working on one of several open  activities in the different spaces of the school. The Art Studio, Science Lab, Workshop, etc. are carefully stocked with new “provocations,” intriguing and surprising materials that encourage open-ended exploration.

The idea is to ignite passions on both  sides of the table: collaborators curate materials and experiences that are designed to pique curiosity free of arc topic (allowing them to pursue particular passions, inquiries or ideas) and children play a greater role in decision-making and space exploration, engaging in interactions across bands and ages, going  where their pleasure leads them. Community Friday allows students and staff to share passions and make progress on individual or group long-term projects. 

Urban/Citizenship Education Program: Brightworks has a strong commitment and dedication  to the exploration of our city, supported by navigation through public transportation, bicycling, and walking.  We focus on neighborhood awareness and developing relationships with local organizations, businesses, events through patronage, participation and mutual support.

We strive to help the students see the world as an open place and smaller than they think by making the divisions between the school and the world less strict and more permeable.